Exhibition at Place des Arts 2016

Quand les lutins s'en mêlent is an immersive and participative exhibition that stages and plays the tale written by Simon Gauthier.

The visitor is invited to follow the character of Oziaz, a depressed pastry chef who is hoaxed by elves…

Along the exhibition path, visitors will search for the elves using ultraviolet torches, watch them dancing in the forest, discovering their incredible pastries and even colouring them!

This exhibition dedicated to families provides a rich narrative experience, combining the literary aspect of storytelling, immersive scenography and music - which accompanies each painting.

Visitors can extend the exhibition experience by going home with the long version of the tale and a written cookie recipe for children. They can also listen to the tale and the complete musical pieces on the Ici Musique website.

Each chapter of the exhibition is accompanied by original music or a reinterpretation by Nicolas Pellerin and Les Grands Hurleurs.

The 3 musical pieces and Simon Gauthier's tale are available for listening here


Idéation et production : Place des Arts - Partenaire : Fondation de la Place des Arts - Recherche et contenu musical : Ici Musique


Conception et design d’exposition : La Camaraderie

Conte et recette : Simon Gauthier

Musique Originale et réinterprétation : Nicolas Pellerin et les Grands Hurleurs

Lutherie numérique : Artificiel (Guillaume Arseneault)